Sunday, February 28, 2010

#72 learn to juggle

One of the easiest things we ever done was to learn to juggle, NOT! It took three days for us to learn but hey at least we're doing it, even if people end up calling us circus freaks. 3 limones (that's lemons in Spanish for all you geniuses out there)were the perfect thing to start with but if you have any other firm round object that won't hurt too bad when it pummels you in the face, then that will work, too. After finding out that we had been juggling two balls incorrectly, we youtubed (yes, i indeed turned to youtube for this lesson ) to learn the art of juggling. The video was the guide that we followed, Finally after giving up 3x, throwing limones in the air for countless hours, we got the hang of it. Now we can't stop showing off our AWESOME SKILLZ.